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 HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion

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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMar 10 Juil - 21:48

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20 lignes minimum. Vestibulum viverra eros non massa commodo eget fermentum nisi lacinia. Duis sagittis nunc sit amet dui pellentesque pharetra. Mauris eget lorem odio. Praesent tempor, velit eu ultricies rutrum, mi mi rutrum quam, sit amet mattis justo magna non urna. Mauris auctor, neque nec condimentum volutpat, justo tellus dapibus felis, a malesuada metus orci a urna. Maecenas faucibus, nisi id ullamcorper placerat, mi nunc adipiscing quam, ultricies suscipit sapien lectus sit amet sapien. Vivamus sit amet elit sed lorem accumsan accumsan. Etiam neque nibh, dapibus non sollicitudin in, feugiat tempus velit. Vestibulum sit amet tortor erat. Maecenas sed tortor in lorem fermentum ultrices commodo eu risus. Fusce nibh nisi, volutpat at euismod a, sagittis vel lectus. Sed non sem eu nibh vestibulum viverra vehicula placerat erat. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Curabitur ultricies tempus massa et varius. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Cras interdum scelerisque velit, vitae commodo eros mollis id. Sed egestas egestas mauris, a laoreet nisi pretium ac. Etiam cursus dignissim hendrerit. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Sed sollicitudin tempus diam vulputate dapibus. Vivamus egestas leo a est semper pulvinar.
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Salomay Bischoff

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion Tumblr_lrlhzwsurb1qehxx0o1_500
Nous ne pouvons pas effacer, ni même changer le passé, il n'y a aucun moyen pour faire cela, mais nous pouvons changer notre présent afin de se construire un avenir meilleur, mais pour cela il ne faut jamais baisser les bras.

COPYRIGHT : Bazzart & tumblr
AGE : Vingt et un ans
METIER : Fleuriste
STATUT CIVIL : Hum... sinon on peut boire une bière !
ENVIE DU MOMENT : Me détendre, ne penser à rien, mais c'est impossible !
CELEBRITE : Nina Dobrev
Salomay Bischoff

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMar 10 Juil - 21:53

WELCOME HOME. http://r21.imgfast.n
J'avoue que je ne connais pas la célébrité, mais elle est vraiment magnifique I love you HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion 2663297705
Bon courage ! HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion 3651832253
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Camilla-Lune Stones

COPYRIGHT : Bazzart & Tumblr
AGE : 21 ans
METIER : Pâtissière
STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
CELEBRITE : Candica Accola
Camilla-Lune Stones

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMar 10 Juil - 22:27

HYOMIN !!!! • Bienvenue ! Il nous faudra un lien http://r21.imgfast.n
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Nathanael C. Stones

AGE : 21 ans
METIER : Cuisinier
STATUT CIVIL : En couple
CELEBRITE : Alex Pettyfer
Nathanael C. Stones

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMar 10 Juil - 22:50

Je vais vouloir un lien moi aussi!
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Marie-Rose C. Campbell

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion Tumblr_m72m1mwOgz1rw9lc6o8_250
COPYRIGHT : Cyrine & Rain Bird & Tumblr
AGE : 25 ans
METIER : Éleveuse de chevaux
STATUT CIVIL : En couple
ENVIE DU MOMENT : Avoir un bébé ♥
CELEBRITE : Emma Stone
Marie-Rose C. Campbell

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMer 11 Juil - 6:47

Bienvenue I love you
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMer 11 Juil - 17:41

Merci énormément pour votre accueil ! http://r21.imgfast.n J'ai longuement hésité avec Park Ji Yeon du même groupe pour ceux qui connaissent. Difficile de choisir, elles sont magnifiques dans leur dernier mv "day by day". http://r21.imgfast.n http://r21.imgfast.n Breffff, haaan ouii moi aussi je veux des liens avec vous touuuus !
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMer 11 Juil - 17:43

Bienvenue, j'adore le choix de l'avatar http://r21.imgfast.n http://r21.imgfast.n
Bonne chance pour ta fiche :D
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M. Anna-Bella Taylor

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion 1127917910
HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion 1127917970

AGE : Vingt-Deux ans
METIER : Photographe
ENVIE DU MOMENT : Voir Peter, Thalia-Caelina et Ethan
CELEBRITE : Emma Watson ♥
M. Anna-Bella Taylor

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMer 11 Juil - 19:31

Bienvenue http://r21.imgfast.n
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyMer 11 Juil - 19:41

Bienvenue parmi nous (a)
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyJeu 12 Juil - 9:49

Bienv'nue http://r21.imgfast.n
Magnifique célébrité que je ne connaissais pas http://r21.imgfast.n
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Marie-Rose C. Campbell

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion Tumblr_m72m1mwOgz1rw9lc6o8_250
COPYRIGHT : Cyrine & Rain Bird & Tumblr
AGE : 25 ans
METIER : Éleveuse de chevaux
STATUT CIVIL : En couple
ENVIE DU MOMENT : Avoir un bébé ♥
CELEBRITE : Emma Stone
Marie-Rose C. Campbell

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyDim 15 Juil - 9:54

TU as juqu'à ce soir pour finir ta fiche, sinon je la déplace I love you
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A. Faust Simpson-Black

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion Tumblr_m87w296i3q1qclnlyo1_250
COPYRIGHT : Jimmy & tumblr & mags
AGE : 21 yo
METIER : Styliste/Tailleur
STATUT CIVIL : Célibataire
CELEBRITE : darrenHOTcriss
A. Faust Simpson-Black

HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
MessageSujet: Re: HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion   HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion EmptyLun 16 Juil - 7:52

Ton compte sera supprimé dans deux jours si tu ne termines pas ta fiche I love you
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion _
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HYOJIN ✾ The feeling that I want to share with you is more than emotion

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